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Windows 10 Injector
09.08.2015, 20:05

Hello, i made an Injector for Windows 10, because Extrem Injector don't work for Win 10...

But the Injector work on Win 7, 8, 8.1 too!

Make sure, that you disable your AV!

Virus Total : https://www.virustotal.com/de/file/5...is/1438204004/ 8/54


[IMPORTANT] Tested on: 29.07.2015
Here an tutorial , how to use the Injector with Sandy's Universal Hack:

1. Open the Injector.

2. Write in "Process Name": "Game". Don't "Game.exe"!

3. Now select the DLL.

4. Start Warface.

5. Enjoy 



Please give a feed back at here: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll376617x9a864F3A-14 [Is that allowed, Unkowncheats?]

Vote Yes, when it work.

Vote No, when it dont work.



Latest : 1.3

- Improved Automatic Injection

- Added a message, when injected successfully. "Successfully injected into (Process Name)"

Older : 1.2

- Added a "reset" button. Use it, when you injected into a wrong Game or Programm.

- New Design 

- New Icon

- Fixed a bug, tht the Injector not show up in the taskbar

Older : 1.1

- Automatic now works!

- "Must read" button added.

Older : 1.0

- Windows 10 Injector released


If you have a problem, post your problem in this thread please.


Support me, by rate this thread 

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